If you really want to reach the goals you set for yourself this year, simply writing them down as a list and telling your friends is just not going to cut it.
Reaching your goals is easy when you use this formula…
Consistency + Desire – Fear = YOUR GOAL
There are 3 simple keys to setting and acheiving your goals…
Key #1: Consistency
If you’re going to reach a goal, you NEED to be consistent. Most people jump on the “goal https://npfinancials.com.au/setting bandwagon” around the New Year, setting goals for themselves with NO PLAN for how they’re going to reach these goals.
And before they know it, they get caught up in everyday life and never think about their goals again.
This is what I call “goal setting and forgetting”. Consistency is CRITICAL when it comes to reaching your goals.
Here’s how to be consistent in reaching your goals…
Have a routine.
If your goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of the year, do something every day (or week) that will bring you closer to that goal.It could be a morning walk or eating at least 4 healthy meals per week.
Or maybe your goal is something that is not as “cut and dry” as losing weight. Let’s say you want to improve your confidence.
To accomplish this, you still need to be consistent in your THINKING. You need to shift your ways of thinking and start a new ROUTINE. (There’s that word again.) 😉
For instance, to help you remember what you learned from your favorite self-improvement book, write down on a sticky note next to your bed, the key points that had the biggest impact on you.
Key #2: Desire
Goal setting is merely wishful thinking if you don’t have a strong desire to reach your goal. You must organize your list, separating the goals that you desperately want to acheive from those that “would be nice”.
Here’s how…